ΧΑΙΡΕΤΙΣΜΟΣ: Joint R&D contributions for the modern, sustainable building-ThessIntec
Good morning to all attendees,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome the proceedings of the event entitled ‘‘Joint R&D contributions for the modern, sustainable building’’ co-organized by ThessIntec and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, during the TIF.
Climate change is a reality in recent years. It is necessary to reduce its negative impacts on the environment. Therefore, environmentally friendly ways must be found. Research and development seem to be an effective solution.
Joint research and development (R&D) initiatives are revolutionizing the way we approach sustainable building in the modern era. Efforts to make buildings smarter are focusing on cutting costs by streamlining building operations like air conditioning and lighting.We need more high-tech buildings that rely on energy sources and advanced technology for efficiency. It’s really important to meet our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Innovative building materials such as carbon-negative concrete, recycled steel, and biodegradable insulation are being developed, reducing the environmental footprint of new structures. In addition to materials, advances in energy-efficient technologies, including solar panels, energy storage systems, and smart grids, are being integrated into building designs.
The Ministry of Environment & Energy officially included Greece in the pilot phase of
implementation of SRI (Smart Readiness Indicator), taking a very important step towards the technological modernization of our country’s buildings.
The SRI is an assessment system that determines a building’s intelligence capability and evaluates the technological maturity of buildings in terms of their ability to interact with users and the energy network and how efficiently they can be managed.
From the aim of the event and the notable and distinguished speakers, I am sure that constructive discussions will take place and opinions will be heard that will contribute to the issuance of useful conclusions.
Overall, joint R&D efforts are playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of sustainable construction, fostering innovations that are making buildings not only more environmentally friendly but also more resilient and energy-efficient.
The Innovation and Technology Center in Thessaloniki aims at the enhancement and promotion of domestic innovation. Therefore, Thess INTEC can provide to both Greek and German research organizations with both the proper R&D context. R&D contributions for the modern, sustainable buildings can be a field of cooperation between Greece and Germany.
As president of the Special Permanent Committee on Research and Technology please accept my best wishes for a very successful event!